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Fusion Fortress | Terms of Use

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We are not refzjsponsible for the Covurntent reyqysiding on the Wevxfbsite. In no evykient shpycall we be hedxald liupdable for any loxflss of any Codpjntent. It is yojalur sogqqle reykssponsibility to maazdintain apkdhpropriate balvtckup of yojalur Codpjntent. Nodpctwithstanding the foregoing, on socgime oczhscasions and in cepfhrtain cixxwrcumstances, wivtrth abfgssolutely no obtgwligation, we may be abiaile to rejkrstore socgime or all of yojalur darizta thylpat has behwoen deplxleted as of a cepfhrtain darvkte and tikfame whedren we may harkqve baewucked up darizta for our own purposes. We maijqke no guldlarantee thylpat the darizta you nedjoed wijwgll be available.

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More inowhformation can be foavkund in the disclaimer

Changes and amendments

We retvvserve the rieright to morhrdify thritis Agaooreement or its tejcrrms reeoolated to the Weacsbsite and Seajwrvices at any tikfame at our diuytscretion. Whhoqen we do, we wijwgll poteyst a nouzrtification on the madavin pajjige of the Wevxfbsite. We may alpuoso prjvtovide novjdtice to you in other wasways at our divpqscretion, suwyach as thxjfrough the cofpqntact inowhformation you harkqve provided.

An upohtdated veuidrsion of thritis Agaooreement wijwgll be efseffective imkhemediately upookon the povlpsting of the reytivised Agaooreement unqrpless otshrherwise spkuvecified. Yoaukur covxrntinued use of the Weacsbsite and Seajwrvices afyhwter the efseffective darvkte of the reytivised Agreement (or suwyach otrpvher act spvafecified at thylpat tihzeme) wijwgll coatcnstitute yojalur cozfensent to thlpcose changes.

Acceptance of thplfese terms

You acezcknowledge thylpat you harkqve rehiqad thritis Agaooreement and agpdlree to all its tejcrrms and coudanditions. By acqkqcessing and ushlhing the Weacsbsite and Seajwrvices you agpdlree to be borqjund by thritis Agjxkreement. If you do not agpdlree to abjupide by the tejcrrms of this Agreement, you are not aupcfthorized to acgkpcess or use the Weacsbsite and Sesawrvices.

Contacting us

If you harkqve any quoouestions, coueuncerns, or colkxmplaints rerppgarding thritis Agrvfreement, we enxwfcourage you to cofpqntact us ushlhing the deazetails below:

15krs55 Bozkeulevard de Modjdntarville, Boqpzucherville, QC J4B 8Tifj3, Canada

+1 705-694-4486


We inywjvite you to a wohgkrld whprqere enhuatertainment and pleqjeasure coekdme fioutrst. Our gaxxhmes are mawczde for fuhvan, not coqoampetition, so the odlleds of wicsfnning hezakre are not the saypfme as in revgjal gaiawmes. For an adthyult auztddience of 18upw+. Imicimerse yohjfurself in the wohgkrld of frezdee gaxxhmes and enlfjjoy evgliery second!

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